Sunday, 5 January 2014

The Live Music Scene through Social Marketing

Adele and Justin Bieber are known for creating a music career from posting themselves online. Unlike the days when you had to pullover and find a payphone while driving, now with a simple post on YouTube a band can reach millions assuming they have talent or something unique to offer.  Social Media is a powerful tool in this way. It all starts with a song and these two artist are perfect examples of success through social media marketing. Now selling millions of records, this is one of the many phenomenal success stories in the business. So how does the digital age of music compare to the past?
Music Punk Live Music Scene through Social Marketing
Music Punk Live Music Scene

Before we carried our music around in our pocket or could press a button on a computer to get access to a digital recording of our favorite artist, we relied on the radio. If we liked what was playing at the time and our friends agreed then you basically found your way to the record store. A large percentage of the artists you supported may have never had a live performance or perhaps you didn't know or care. Some bands were savvy enough to know that fewer concerts still equaled millions of record sales. Those days are seemily long past. Now recorded music is as easy to purchase or share as anything. This has posed a problem for the future of musicians making a living in the live music industry. The good news is a musician no longer needs a record label to gain exposure.

More artist are sharing the limelight and that’s great. There are many ways of marketing your digital wares but the live music scene has become synonymous with marketing your music. If you want to make a living when your digital record sales are not cutting it, go on tour. Even if you are a musician only playing the local live music scene it would benefit you to check out a few useful tools in the form of mobile apps.  
music punk app
Music Punk App
Bands in Town lets bands manage their tour dates on  their Facebook and website and lets fan track their favorite artist. Will Call is also a great app to find live music. As quoted by the New York Times it focuses primarily on the hipster crowd and is only available in New York and San Francisco. The new Music Punk app at finds bands and dj's playing live near you and allows you to view a live music video before heading out. The Music Punk app is available in every city and has a great feature for bands and dj's to easily upload their gigs and tour calendars. You can download any of these apps in the iTunes and Google Play stores.  Of the three apps mentioned Music Punk seems to be most useful for the bands and music lovers alike.

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