Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Social Media Awards

social award siteToday social media websites are an important part of the online presence of both businesses as well as professionals like lawyers, actors, TV show hosts and sports persons. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, Google plus, Linkedin, Vimeo, Stumbleupon, YouTube, Friendfeed are some of the most popular social media websites, attracting millions of visitors from all over the world every day. An account can be created on these websites for free, with little verification except through email. These social media websites can be used both for marketing as well as to keeping in touch with clients, vendors as well as  business associates. One of the major advantages of social media is that a person does not have to spend his or her hard earned money on domain names, web hosting, website maintenance; all these aspects are taken care of automatically. The main investment for a social media account is the time, effort and money spent on content creation. 

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Additionally, the main risk of developing a website is identity theft - one person does all the work, invests the money, but a fraud with powerful backers will claim ownership of the website just to earn some easy money. Additionally these powerful backers will make false accusations without any proof against the webmaster just to ruin the reputation. A disadvantage of using a social media account is that the account can be closed at any time.
 Since these accounts are usually free, it is very difficult to get any kind of support. The popularity of a social media account can be gauged from the number of people who are monitoring the account. For example, the number of Twitter followers is an indication of the popularity of the Twitter account, though others may be monitoring the account indirectly. While certain social media accounts have a large number of followers because the account owner is a high profile figure like a politician or celebrity, other social media accounts attract a large number of visitors because of the quality of the content, it can be interesting, funny, unique, entertaining. 

To reward quality content, social media awards have been instituted by different organizations and media firms, which allow internet users to vote for their favorite social media accounts. The social media awards site take into account that the criteria for evaluation of content quality will be different across categories, so internet users are able to request new categories if needed. They can suggest or vote for their favorite social media account. The social media awards may also be given based on the agency or brand, which is able to harness social media best for promoting their product or service. Separate awards may be awarded for each country based on the voting preferences of visitors from that country. 
social site

The voting deadline for the social media awards is specified on the website. After the deadline, all the votes polled in each category are counted, to decide the winners. The social media awards are handed over to the winners at a social media awards ceremony, which is usually covered extensively in both the online and offline media.

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